
जुलाई, 2015 की पोस्ट दिखाई जा रही हैं

What does the killing of 71 journalists tell us?

According to a report by Press Emblem Campaign (PEC) recently, a total of 71  journalists  were killed between January to June this year in 24 countries, India being one of them. Another report by International Press Institute (IPI) tells that 100  journalists  were murdered in 2014, while 120 in 2013. IPI has a section called, ‘Death Watch’ that lists those  journalists  and media staff who were deliberately targeted because of their profession - either because of their reporting or simply because they were  journalists . The total count of such deaths since 1997 is close to 1500.  If you thoroughly go through the report prepared by the Committee to Protect  Journalists  (CPJ), you will find that in 90% of such cases nobody has been punished. While the reasons of such deaths vary from war reporting to terrorism, in India most deaths are the result of their honest and investigative work in cases related to corruption.  TV...

The youngest, the oldest, and the most controversial advocate of Indian history

Despite all his achievements why Ram Jethmalani wouldn't be immortal in the history of Indian Law system By Rahul Kotiyal   It was year 2009. A book - Jinnah: India, Partition, Independence - authored by a prominent leader of BJP Jaswant Singh was to be launched. Many famous personalities were present at that event and the famous Indian advocate Ram Jethmalani was one of them. At this event, he made a statement that startled everyone, "Jinnah was not the cause of India's partition, It was the old Hindu miser Harichandra." Even the historians were unable to figure out who this Harichandra was and how did he become the reason for partition. But we will discuss that later. Let's first talk about this attitude of the veteran to amaze and shock others.  Expect the Unexpected His attitude remains as it is for probably as long as his career. All of a sudden, out of no where, despite being the biggest name in Indian courts, he would make a statement about ...

मसान सुलगती तो है पर धधक नहीं पाती

मसान फ़िल्म जो न खुल के हंसाती है, न रुलाती है, न परेशान करती है, न हैरान करती है, असली दुनिया के बीच लाती तो है, जोड़ती भी है पर उतना नहीं जितना आप चाहते हैं. हां तीन चीज़ें मसान को एक बार देखने लायक तो बनाती हैं. अभिनय, सिनेमेटोग्राफ़ी और बनारस की वह सेटिंग जिसमें दो साधारण और यथार्थ-सी कहानियों को बुनने की एक हद तक कामयाब कोशिश की गई है. मसान में वो बनारस नहीं है जहां महादेव की आरती के दौरान सुनहले होते घाट और शाही तेवर में मंत्रोच्चार करते पंडे हैं, हां सुनहला रंग तो मसान घाट का भी है पर ये पराजय और मातम का रंग ज़्यादा है. जहां मुर्दा शरीर भी हार मान चुका है और ज़िन्दा लोग भी हारे हुए हैं. और उन सबके बीच आपको मुग्ध कर देने वाला दीपक (विकी कौशल). दीपक की कहानी में आप उसके साथ होते हैं, शालू गुप्ता को फ़्रेंड-रिक्वेस्ट भेजने से लेकर, हंसने, इश्क़ लड़ाने, गुब्बारे उड़ाने, परेशान होने, रोने और उबरने की कोशिश करने तक.   बातों-बातों में बशीर बद्र, मिर्ज़ा ग़ालिब और निदा फ़ाज़ली का ज़िक्र कुछ यूं है मानो वरुण ग्रोवर हम सब की ओर से उन्हें शुक्रिया कह रहे हों. और जिस किरदार के ज़रिए शु...